Thursday, August 13, 2015

Adoption update- Match and LID/PA

It hasn't been too long since I wrote my last post but a lot has changed!

First, we found Mae! (which needless to say is huge!)
The China adoption system has several routes to find your child. We were in the special needs route, waiting for our match. Due to our request for a girl, age 0-3 with mild to moderate needs; we were quoted 24 months waiting time! Which doesn't include the 6 months of initial paperwork and the 6 months after your match, yikes! When we started to pursue adoption, waiting 3 years never seemed to be our idea. We prayed and sought God during this time to see if this is what He desired for our family. The nudge kept returning and I started to pursue other routes for finding our daughter. Each agency has children listed, already waiting for families. Typically they are older, maybe boys, or with more significant special needs. But each agency has a list of will break your heart. They all need families ya'll and this has not been an experience for the faint of heart!
I joined a FB group that these wonderful advocates use to post and advocate for children listed with these agencies that are waiting for their forever families. And there she was. A sweet smile and I was in love! Long story short (yeah right), we ended up changing agencies for her. Best. Decision. Ever.

She turned 3 the following week and we celebrated with a pink cake for our sweet girl.

At this time we have chosen not to share her picture or her special need but we will soon.
Some things will remain private for her sake.

Thank you for praying and thinking about us on this crazy journey!

Here is an update on our timeline:
Matched (Found Mae) 07/08/15
LOI 07/12/15
New LID/ PA 08/10/15

So, what's the next step? LOA (letter of acceptance)! Which is the big deal, holy field. The time quoted to wait for this is 1 week to 100 days (lol). And after we receive LOA, we should travel 8-12 weeks after where we will spend 2 weeks in China and return with our daughter. We are hoping to travel December/ January but these are just wishes.

(Picture upload not working at this time but I will try to add some later of summer fun and Mae's birthday cake)

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